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Monday, December 3, 2007
Hope all of you enjoy in our new website. Also not forget to promote to your friends.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Online Petition-Cancel the One-semester Suspension of Lee Song Yong
To all,
Lee Song Yong, second year Computer Science student from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) has been suspended for one semester by the Disciplinary Board of UPM on 22 November 2007 after he was found guilty for not cooperating with security guard, questioning the task of security guard and obstructing the security guard from executing his duty, responsibility and functions.
Background of the Incident
The incident happened in 22 August 2007, where Lee who is stopped at guard house refused to let his bag to be checked because there was no explanation from the security guard. Three plain clothes officer from Special Task Unit who arrived later grabbed the matric card and notebook from Lee without Lee¡¯s consent. Lee lodged a police report on the same day. Three days later, a complaint has also been made against the security officer at the Security Department.
The campus authority did not take any action against the security guards who had abused his power and did not respect the rights and privacy of the student. Instead the same security guards had accused Lee on 14 November 2007 alleging that he did not cooperate and had challenged the security guard.
The first proceeding on 19 November 2007 has been adjourned to 22 November 2007. In that proceeding, Disciplinary Board has decided to impose heavy penalty which is to suspend him for one semester of study and warning was given.
The Power of Security Guard in UPM exceeds that of Police Force
In this case, we have seen that the power of the security guard exceeds that of police which is stated in Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), police can only do checking by giving explanation and follow strict procedures. It was obvious that security guard had abuse his power.
This incident also shows that the campus authority sides the security guard. The suspension shows that they want to create a climate of fear among the students and want the students to obey the limitless power of the security guard.
Despite calls by the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) to halt the proceedings due to allegations of human rights infringement, the proceedings went on. The university¡¯s administrative authority still held the proceedings in a hurry and imposes penalty onto Lee.
The Unfair Proceedings
The procedure of the hearing is obviously violating the basic rights of the student. Despite given a short notice to the hearing which make it difficult for Lee to make peparation, he was also denied legal representation by the campus authority. This is a violation of right to counsel which is included in Article 5(3) in Federal Constitution.
DEMA calls upon the campus authority of UPM to cancel the unreasonable punishment towards Lee, state the checking procedure of security guard and take action against the security officers who had abused their power.
Release by,
Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)
Y. B. Dato' Mustapa bin Mohamed
Minister of Higher Education,
Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.
Prof. Datuk Dr. Nik Mustapha bin R. Abdullah
Vice Chancellor of Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Cancellation of The Suspension for One Semester of Lee Song Yong Immediately
We/I oppose to the action of campus authority that imposes one semester suspension penalty to Lee Song Yong, a second year Computer Science student from Universiti Putra Malaysia who stopped at guard house and refused to let his bag to be checked because there is no explanation from the security guard.
2. We strongly feel that the penalty should be cancelled because:
a. Lee Song Yong had given enough cooperation to the security guard by showing his matric card and waiting for the explanation before allowing his bag to be checked.
b. Security guard did not explain the reason/purpose to examine student¡¯s bag. Even police also needs to tell the purpose before any checking.
c. The officer who acted violently, did not introduce himself and seized Lee¡¯s belongings was not investigated.
3. We/I feel that, the punishment towards Lee Song Yong shows that campus authority sided security officers who abused their power and did not respect the rights and privacy of students. The penalty of suspension has created fear among students and make student have to obey to the limitless power of security guard.
4. We urge that campus authority
a. Cancel the suspension of one semester to Lee Song Yong immediately
b. State the checking procedure of security guard clearly
c. Take action against the security officers that abused their power
Besides that, we also call upon campus authority to stop any action that violates the rights of students in UPM and created a climate of fear among the students in the university. Campus authority should take care of the welfare and safety of the students and not being a threat to them.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Batalkan Hukum Gantung Satu Semester Pelajar UPM Lee Song Yong dengan Segera!
Rayuan Segera
24 November 2007
Kepada semua,
Batalkan Hukum Gantung Satu Semester Pelajar UPM Lee Song Yong dengan Segera!
Lee Song Yong, seorang pelajar tahun kedua Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) yang mengikuti kursus Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer, telah digantung satu semester atas keputusan Pihak Berkuasa Tatatertib Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) pada Khamis 22 November 2007 setelah beliau didapati bersalah di atas tuduhan tidak memberi kerjasama, mempertikaikan tugas Pengawai Keselamatan dan menghalang Pengawai Keselamatan tersebut daripada menjalankan kerja, kewajipan dan fungsinya.
Kami meminta membatalkan hukuman gantung satu semester kerana:
a. Lee Song Yong telah memberi kerjasama yang secukup dengan menunjukkan kad matrik dan menunggu supaya dapat penjelasan sebelum membenarkan begnya diperiksa.
b. Pegawai keselamatan tidak menjelaskan alasan/tujuan untuk memeriksa beg pelajar. Walaupun Polis harus menjelas tujuan sebelum pemeriksa dibuat.
c. Kes pegawai yang bertindak kasar, tidak memperkenal diri dan merampas harta Lee tidak disiasat.
Latar Belakang Peristiwa
Kejadian berlaku pada 22 Ogos 2007, dimana Lee ditahan di pondok pengawal enggan memberi begnya diperiksa kerana tidak dapat penjelasan daripada pegawai keselamatan. Pegawai Unit Tugas Khas yang datang kemudian serta tidak beruniform telah merampas Kad Matrik dan buku nota Lee dengan kasar dan tanpa persetujuan Lee. Lee telah membuat laporan polis pada hari yang sama dan aduan terhadap pegawai keselamatan juga dibuat di Bahagian Keselamatan tiga hari kemudian.
Pihak pentadbir Universiti tidak mengambil tindakan terhadap pegawai keselamatan yang salahguna kuasa dan tidak hormat kepada hak dan privasi (privacy) mahasiswa malahan menuduhkan Lee pada 14 November 2007 atas tidak berkerjasama dan mempertikaikan pegawai keselamatan dua bulan selepas kejadian berlaku.
Prosiding pada 22 November 2007
Prosiding yang pertama pada 19 November telah ditangguh ke 22 November 2007. Dalam prosiding, saksi-saksi dari Pihak Berkuasa Tatatertib iaitu pegawai-pegawai keselamatan termasuk pegawai beruniform, unit tugas khas dan pengarah keselamatan Mejar Othman, kesemuanya telah mengakui bahawa Lee ingin bekerjasama dengan menunjukkan kad matrik dan tidak cuba untuk melarikan diri melainkan membenarkan pemeriksaan beg beliau tanpa diberi penjelasan tentang sebab pemeriksaan. Pegawai-pegawai keselamatan juga mengakui bahawa mereka tidak memberi sebab semasa memeriksa beg pelajar dan ini adalah prosedur mereka.
Namun, Pihak Berkuasa Tatatertib telah membuat keputusan menjatuhkan hukuman yang berat iaitu gantung pengajian 1 semester dan amaran.
Kuasa Pegawai Keselamatan UPM melebihi Anggota Polis
Dalam kes ini sudah ternampak kuasa pegawai keselamatan telah melebihi kuasa polis dimana ternyata dalam Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), polis hanya boleh menjalankan pemeriksaan dengan memberi penjelasan dan mengikut prosedur yang ketat. Sudah jelas pegawai keselamatan telah menyalahguna kuasa dengan kuasa yang melampau ini.
Hal ini telah menunjukkan bahawa pihak pentadbir universiti menyebelahi pegawai keselamatan tersebut. Hukuman gantung jelas menunjukkan mereka ingin mewujudkan perasaan ketakutan, risau di kalangan pelajar dan hendak pelajar tunduk kepada kuasa pihak pegawai keselamaan yang tiada batasan.
Walaupun Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (Suhakam) sudah membuat permintaan supaya prosiding ke atas Lee digantung sementara Suhakam menjalankan penyiasatan terhadap dakwaan berlaku perlanggaran hak asasi manusia oleh pihak UPM. Pihak pentadbir Universiti masih mahu meneruskan prosiding dengan tergesa-gesa dan jatuhkan hukuman pergantungan atas Lee.
Prosiding yang Tidak Adil
Prosedur perbicaraan ini juga jelas menampakkan perlanggaran hak asasi ke atas pelajar terbabit. Bukan sahaja Lee diserahkan notis yang singkat menjelang perbicaraannya hingga menyukarkan beliau membuat persiapan, bahkan Lee turut dinafikan hak untuk diwakili oleh peguam pilihannya yang mana ini adalah satu perlanggaran terhadap right to counsel yang diperuntukkan oleh Perkara 5 (3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Trak Rekod UPM Menindas Pelajar
Kes-kes penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh pegawai keselamatan bukan pertama kali berlaku di UPM. Malah, fenomena ini sudah menjadi sesuatu yang biasa bagi pelajar di UPM, a termasuk bilik kolej kediaman empat orang pelajar perempuan UPM telah digeledah pada larut malam pada 2003, wakil pelajar Lim Ban Teng dan Lua Khang Wei dikasari pada 2004, prosiding terhadap 6 pelajar yang menuntut pilihanraya kampus yang adil pada 2005, keganasan pegawai bertindak kasar dan menolak pelajar yang berlaku di kafe kolej 12 UPM pada 11/7/2006, dan kes laptop dan benda-benda kepunyaan Yee Yang Yang telah dirampas tanpa sebab(14/9/2007). Kes-kes ini dengan jelasnya menunjukkan masalah yang serius bagi penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh pihak pentadbiran UPM.
DEMA menyeru pihak pentadbir UPM membatalkan hukuman yang tidak munasabah terhadap Lee, mengemukakan prosedur pemeriksaan pegawai keselamatan, dan mengambil tindakan ke atas pegawai-pegawai keselamatan yang menyalahgunakan kuasa.
AUKU Memberi Kuasa Melampau
Fenomena sedemikian juga disebabkan oleh penyerahan kuasa yang terlalu besar kepada pihak pentadbir universiti oleh AUKU, ia menyebabkan kes penyalahgunaan kuasa pegawai keselamatan universiti sering berlaku, dan menyebabkan ruang demokrasi universiti semakin merosot serta hak mahasiswa tidak dijamin. Kualiti universiti semakin merosot disebabkan mahasiswa disekat perkembangan mental yang kritikal dan kreatif.
Ini jelas ditunjukkan oleh kedudukan UPM dalam 200 Universiti Terbaik di Dunia yang dikeluarkan Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) dua minggu yang lalu. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) yang tidak pernah masuk kedudukan 200 yang tertinggi, malah jatuh 72 tempat, dari Ke-292 tahun 2006 sampai Ke-364 tahun ini.
Maka DEMA menyeru pihak Kementeruan Pendidikan Tinggi untuk mansuhkan AUKU dengan segera, agar demokrasi kampus dan kebebasan akademik dapat dijamin, dan ini merupakan langkah yang terpenting untuk menyelamatkan kualiti Universiti yang semakin hari semakin merosot.
Dikeluarkan oleh,
Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)
Nyatakan bantahan anda dengan menghantar surat bantahan kepada Naib Chanselor Universiti Putra Malaysia
Contoh Surat
Y. B. Dato' Mustapa bin Mohamed
Menteri Pengajian Tinggi
Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi,
Blok E3, Parcel E,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62505 Putrajaya, Malaysia
Tel : +603-8883 5010
Faks : +603-8889 1952
Emel: menteri@mohe.gov.my
Batalkan Hukum Gantung Satu Semester Pelajar UPM Lee Song Yong dengan Segera!
Kami/Saya dari, ____________ _________ _________ ___, membantah sekuat-kuatnya tindakan pihak pentadbir universiti yang mengemukakan hukuman gantung satu-semester yang tidak munasabah terhadap Lee Song Yong, seorang pelajar tahun kedua Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) yang mengikuti kursus Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer, dimana Lee ditahan di pondok pengawal enggan memberi begnya diperiksa kerana tidak dapat penjelasan daripada pegawai keselamatan.
2. Kami berpendapat hukuman Lee Song Yong patut dibatalkan atas sebab:
d. Lee Song Yong telah memberi kerjasama yang secukup dengan menunjukkan kad matrik dan menunggu supaya dapat penjelasan sebelum membenarkan begnya diperiksa.
e. Pegawai keselamatan tidak menjelaskan alasan/tujuan untuk memeriksa beg pelajar. Walaupun Polis harus menjelas tujuan sebelum pemeriksa dibuat.
f. Kes pegawai yang bertindak kasar, tidak memperkenal diri dan merampas harta Lee tidak disiasat.
3. Kami/Saya berpendapat, tuduhan terhadap Lee Song Yong menunjukkan pihak pentadbir Universiti menyebelahi pegawai-pegawai keselamatan yang menyalahgunakan kuasa dan tidak hormat kepada hak dan privasi (privacy) mahasiswa. Hukuman gantung pula telah mewujudkan perasaan ketakutan, risau di kalangan pelajar dan hendak pelajar tunduk kepada kuasa pihak pegawai keselamaan yang tiada batasan.
4. Kami menuntut supaya pihak pentadbir universiti UPM:
- Membatalkan hukuman gantung satu semester terhadap Lee Song Yong dengan serta-merta.
- Mengemukakan prosedur pemeriksaan pegawai keselamatan yang jelas.
- Ambil tindakan terhadap pegawai-pegawai keselamatan yang menyalahgunakan kuasa
Selain itu, kami juga menyeru supaya pihak Universiti memberhentikan segala tindakan mencabuli hak mahasiswa UPM dan memupuk fenomena takut-menakut di Universiti. Pihak Universiti harus menjaga kebajikan dan keselamatan pelajar dan bukannya menjadi ancaman kepada mereka.
Yang benar,
____________ ________
( )
Salinan kepada:
Prof. Datuk Dr. Nik Mustapha bin R. Abdullah
Naib Canselor UPM
Pejabat Naib Canselor, Canselori UPM
43400 UPM Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel : +603-8946 6001 / 6002
Faks : +603-8948 3244
Emel : nc@putra.upm. edu.my
SILA FAX ATAU EMAIL SATU SALINAN SURAT ANDA KEPADA Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)
Tel / Faks : +603-7783 9525 Emel: demamalaysia@ gmail.com
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Dema Human Right Camp coming soon
7/12/2007 ~ 9/12/2007
DO you know about your rights?
(Bs join DEMA human rights camp to know the basic human rights concepts and to avoid being the victims of violations.)
(Bs work together for a better future!)
Activities such as exposure trip, movie screening, sharing session, games with the human right activists etc
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------
Date : 7- 9, December 2006
(1 day Exposure Trip, 2 days Camp)
Venue : KL area
Fees : change for RM 35 to RM25
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------
Camp Content:
Exposure trip to social issues:
Refugee, labor worker, ISA (Internal Security Act), Squatter Area, and other marginalize groups.
v Introduction to Human Rights
v Exposure Trip Presentation
v Malaysia Human Rights Condition Analysis
v Movie Screening
v Case Studies
v Human Rights Activist Sharing
v Groups Discussion
v Games & Games & Games(I∧∧∧∧)@_@
Further Information & Registration Please Contact:
Yong Jin 0123770626
Jing Cheng 0127583779
Long Hui 0165583657
Email: demamalaysia@gmail.com
Website: dema2u.blogspot. com
Organize By:
Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)
Huh! Still Consider? Just fill the form and send to DEMA email to register yourself!!!
Registration Form
Name: Age:
Gender: Date of Birth:
IC No:
Contact No:
University / College:
Organization (if got) / Activity Experience:
Meals: (A) Vegetarian (B) Non Vegetarian
* You can submit this form to our email.
Information Contact:
Yong Jin 0123770626
Jing Cheng 0127583779
Long Hui 0165583657
Email: demamalaysia@gmail.com
Website: dema2u.blogspot. com
Office Add: 3, Jln 5/58, Tmn Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Office Tel / Fax: 03-77839525
Last human rights camp photos
Saturday, October 27, 2007
OPKIS (Operasi Khidmat Sosial )
OPKIS (Operasi Khidmat Sosial )
Dianjurkan oleh Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA) and Jawatankuasa Kebajikan Mahasiswa/I (JKMI)
Date: 23 November—2 December (10 days)
23 November—25 November
(Early preparation and training, will start at 8pm 23/11/07)
26 November—2 December
(Social Service at Kampung Chubadak)
Peserta OPKIS akan ditempatkan di rumah penduduk kampung sebagai anak angkat selama seminggu.
Slot Pendidikan dan Moral bagi pelajar tadika, tahap 1 and tahap 2
- Slot Sukaneka bagi tadika, tahap 1, tahap 2, menengah, belia/ beliawanis dan ibubapa
- Slot Menengah yang membincang dan memperdebatkan isu-isu hangat semasa dan perbincangan mengenai struktur organisasi sosial masyarakat.
- Slot Belia / Beliawanis dan ibubapa yang akan membincangkan isu perumahan dan masalah sekitar analitikal.
- Malam Persembahan iaitu malam kemuncak OPKIS, yang akan dipersembahkan oleh masyarakat kampong bersertakan dengan pentomin yang cukup menarik.
Berminat untuk menyertai,sila hubungi:
Simon Ooi 012-4202264
Kho Chai Ling 012-5322897
Email: demamalaysia@ gmail.com学运呼吁政府提供全免高等教育
学运针对高教部部长于22日指出高教已非常昂贵和费用不断提升,所以政府不能提供100% 津贴,以加重政府的负担,表示不满。学运不满政府一方面指出不能提供100% 津贴,可是另一方面又浪费公款于许多不利益多数人民的大型计划,如太空人计划,创造最大,最长的纪录等等。学运认为公款应用于利益多数人民的事务,包括全免的高等教育。
DEMA menyeru agar kerajaan menyediakan perkhidmatan pengajian tinggi secara percuma
Malaysia Youth and Student Democratic Movement (DEMA) berasa tidak puas hati terhadap tindakan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi yang berpendapat bahawa pembatalan yuran pentadbiran pinjaman Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) akan menambahkan beban kerajaan, dan menyeru kerajaan agar menyediakan sistem pendidikan pengajian tinggi secara percuma kepada rakyat.
DEMA berasa tidak berpuas hati dengan penyataan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi pada 22 Oktober 2007 bahawa kos penyelenggaraan pusat pengajian tinggi di negara kita semakin meingkat . Oleh itu kerajaan tidak dapat menyediakan subsidi sepenuhnya kepada pelajar pusat pengajian tinggi.DEMA berpendapat bahawa pekara tersebut tidak harusnya menjadi sebagai alasan sedangkan kerajaan telah membazirkan wang rakyat dengan menjalankan projek yang tidak dapat memanfaatkan rakyat seperti projek angkasawan , projek rekod Malaysia terbesar dan lain -lain. Mengikut pandangan DEMA , wang tersebut sepatutnya digunakan dalam pembangunan negara yang dapat memanfaatkan rakyat termasuklah menyediakan pendidikan pengajian tinggi yang percuma .
Mengikut deklarasi hak asasi sedunia yang ke-16, setiap manusia mempunyai hak asasi untuk menerima kemudahan pendidikan sehingga tahap pendidikan tinggi secara percuma . Pendidikan secara percuma adalah penting supaya rakyat tidak berasa terbeban dari segi ekonomi dan masyarakat mendapat manfaat secara keseluruhannya. Secara tidak langsung ,negara akan dapat menghasilkan generasi yang berpengetahuan tinggi dan membawa kemakmuran serta kemajuan kepada negara .
DEMA menyeru kerajaan agar mula melaksanakan sistem pendidikan pengajian tinggi secara percuma, dan bukan membincangkan yuran pentadbiran PTPTN perlu dihapuskan atau tidak . Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi tidak seharusnya bertindak seperti syarikat pinjaman modal dengan berharap ahli pinjaman PTPTN akan meningkat dari 1 juta orang kepada 1.5 atau 2 juta orang.
Malaysia Youth and Student Democratic Movement
Secretary of Admnistration
学运也质疑修改《大专法令》会 否成为另一个“狼来了”的故事。每位上任的教育部长,都曾提起修改《大专法令》,包括马哈迪、阿都拉和安华。93年10月1日,当时的教育部长苏莱曼,重述了检讨法令的承诺。根据资料,其后一年的1月4日,部长宣布其部门已经成立一个检讨委员会,过后却不了了之。
Student group tells Mustapa to do more
Oct 26, 07 6:49pm
Higher Education Minister Mustapa Mohamad needs to do more than amend just the freedom of speech portion of the University and University College Act (UUCA), a student group said today.
The Youth and Democratic Student Movement (Dema) said the amendment of the Act should also look into matters concerning student’s freedom of association, reform campus, academic freedom, campus elections and others.
“(We) feel that the Higher Education Ministry should be more transparent in making and announcing any decisions (about the amendments) so that the public (has access to that) information.“This will provide an opportunity to the university students to join in the debate and participative democracy can be practiced,” the group said in a statement.
However, the youth group said they are doubtful whether any of these amendments will be carried based on the ministry’s poor track record in the past.
According to them, various ministers - including former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim - had mentioned amendments but nothing resulted from that.
“In January 1994, then Education Minister Dr Sulaiman Haji Daud promised that UUCA will be reviewed and announced that a committee was formed for this purpose but there was no follow-up on it,” the statement read.
No reply from ministry
Dema also pointed out that former Higher Education Minister Muhammad Shafee Abdullah said a committee consisting of non-government organization, public universities, private higher learning institutions, lawyers and representatives from related fields would review the Act.
“But the representatives from opposition parties are excluded and the ministry didn't state the time line for the review of the Act and that it was up to the decision of the committee,” they said.
As for the current ministry led by Mustapa, Dema said the minister had delayed the UUCA amendent bill in several parliamentary sessions including the September and November sessions last year as well as the March and September sessions this year.
Dema also noted that Mustapa’s ministry has not replied to letters sent by them and another student group Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) since the cabinet shuffle on Feb 14 last year.
“Dema remains doubtful towards the top-down policy of the Higher Education Ministry and our stand is that the UUCA should be abolished and replaced with a new university act.
“The Act should protect our basic rights, and use the bottom-up legal base, which is drafted by students and proposed to Higher Education Ministry,” the statement read.
UUCA is one of the laws that have been used to curb student activism since 1971 with freedom of expression and freedom of association disallowed in public universities.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
ISA bukan sahaja merupakan akta yang melanggar undang-undang malah ia juga mencabul hak asasi manusia
Pada masa yang sama, DEMA juga ingin mengucapkan syabas kepada para hakim Malaysia yang buat pertama kali membuat keputusan yang adil terhadap perbicaraan ISA. Kami berharap tahanan lain bawah ISA akan mendapat peluang untuk perbicaraan yang adil juga. Bagi DEMA, kehakiman sepatutnya memainkan peranan untuk mengawasi operasi pentadbiran negara dan mempertahankan perlembagaan negara. ISA yang digunakan untuk menahan tanpa melalui perbicaraan telah melanggar Perlembagaan Malaysia dan Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia Sedunia yang menyatakan setiap orang mempunyai hak untuk mendapat bantuan undang-undang, maka ISA patut dimansuhkan!
DEMA mengecam kerajaan menggunakan ISA untuk membuat tahanan yang bermotif politik. Dari 60-an, 70-an sehingga tahun 1987 Operasi lalang dan juga tahun 1998 Reformasi, ISA telah menjadi alat kerajaan untuk menghapuskan sesiapa yang berbeza pendapat bagi mengukuhkan kuasa politik. Banyak pihak telah ditahan bawah ISA termasuk pihak pembangkang, aktivis pendidikan ibunda, dan pejuang hak asasi manusia serta pihak dari pelbagai NGO tetapi bukannya mereka yang mengancam keselamatan negara.
Kami berpendapat bahawa keadilan perlu diperjuangkan oleh rakyat! Seperti apa yang kita nampak, kebelakangan ini telah berlaku beberapa kes yang jelas menunjukkan sistem kehakiman negara kita sedang menghadapi krisis dan masalah campur tangan agensi kerajaan yang serius. Rakyat mula sedar bahawa pengamalan perlembagaan perlu diawasi oleh rakyat sendiri. Maka, suara rakyat untuk keadilan semakin kuat, sehingga peguam juga berdemostrasi untuk meminta sistem kehakiman yang adil serta saksama. Ini jelas menunjukkan agensi kerajaan telah dikorup oleh pihak politik yang cuma mengutamakan kepentingan mereka. Keadilan tidak akan jatuh dari langit, hanya dengan kesedaran rakyat sendiri, negara baru akan menuju ke arah cemerlang, gemilang, dan terbilang!
学 运认为正义是人民争取回来的!随着近几年来陆续发生的司法危机及司法被国家机关干预,人民开始觉悟国家的三权分立及宪法精神需要人民去监督。人民要求正义 的声音已经也来也强大,就连律师也已走上街头示威要求司法公正,可见国家机关已因为政客的自私而腐败。正义是不会从天上掉下来的,只有通过人民醒觉,国家 才有进步的希望!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Human Right Camp coming soon
7/12/2007 ~ 9/12/2007
DO you know about your rights?
(Bs join DEMA human rights camp to know the basic human rights concepts and to avoid being the victims of violations.)
(Bs work together for a better future!)
Activities such as exposure trip, movie screening, sharing session, games with the human right activists etc
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------
Date : 7- 9, December 2006
(1 day Exposure Trip, 2 days Camp)
Venue : KL area
Fees : RM 35
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------
Camp Content:
Exposure trip to social issues:
Refugee, labor worker, ISA (Internal Security Act), Squatter Area, and other marginalize groups.
v Introduction to Human Rights
v Exposure Trip Presentation
v Malaysia Human Rights Condition Analysis
v Movie Screening
v Case Studies
v Human Rights Activist Sharing
v Groups Discussion
v Games & Games & Games(I∧∧∧∧)@_@
Further Information & Registration Please Contact:
Yong Jin 0123770626
Jing Cheng 0127583779
Long Hui 0165583657
Email: demamalaysia@gmail.com
Website: dema2u.blogspot. com
Organize By:
Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)
Huh! Still Consider? Just fill the form and send to DEMA email to register yourself!!!
Registration Form
Name: Age:
Gender: Date of Birth:
IC No:
Contact No:
University / College:
Organization (if got) / Activity Experience:
Meals: (A) Vegetarian (B) Non Vegetarian
* You can submit this form to our email.
Information Contact:
Yong Jin 0123770626
Jing Cheng 0127583779
Long Hui 0165583657
Email: demamalaysia@gmail.com
Website: dema2u.blogspot. com
Office Add: 3, Jln 5/58, Tmn Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Office Tel / Fax: 03-77839525
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
New Exco Board
Secretary of Administration
Ooi Tze Min (Simon)
Secretary of National Affairs
Ng Yong Jin
Secretary of International Affairs
Ong Jing Cheng
No nominee. Will be appointed by the new EXCO board.
Wong Chai Yi
Coordinator of Students Politics Department
Teh Yee Keong
Coordinator of Social Service Department
Kho Chai Ling
Coordinator of Publication Department
Lau Shu Shi
Coordinator of Media Department
No nominee. Will be appointed by the new EXCO board.
USM campus coordinator
Yap Heng Lung
UPM campus coordinator
Lee Song Yong
UTM campus coordinator
Lee Long Hui
Monday, September 3, 2007
停止虚伪政治回应 立刻废除行为操守协议书
针对高教部副部长长翁诗杰在国会下议院回答有关行为操守协议书(Surat Aku Janji )没有影响我国大学讲师和教育素质的言论,马来西亚青年与学生民主运动(学运)认为,翁诗杰是在自欺欺人,漠视大专教职人员的感受并没有正视公民社会的意见。
自2002 年开始,所有国立大学的学术人员都必须签署行为操守协议书,这是政府以效忠的名义来压制教授的言行自由的手段。学运组织秘书李发成表示"大专里头教授不得对现有政府政策发表尖锐批判性言论,否则将遭到对付是一项公开的秘密,翁诗杰的否认只显得他的虚伪。"
行 为操守协议书里要求所有学术分子必须效忠政府,这表示他们不得发表任何与政府不同的意见。这不单是干涉了学术自由,更是政府对学术人员的政治枷锁。况且, 学术分子应该效忠知识以及人民,政府只不过人民委托来治理国家的单位罢了,因此政治更应该尊重知识,而不是知识被政治凌驾。
学运认为,高教部长不应忽视40 名国立大学的离休及现职学术人员及45个民间团体连署"撤销大学《行为操守协议书》请愿书"的声音。政府的这措施不 但压迫了学术人员的民主言论空间,也在校园里面制造了白色恐怖。就连前马大署理副校长阿布巴卡教授(Drs Abu Bakar A Hamid) 也支持废除行为操守协议书,高教部岂能忽视这问题的严重性。
高教部应该正视学术人员的学术自由被侵犯的问题。副高教部部长更不应该忘记了本来可以在本地国立大学服务,但因为拒绝签署行为操守协议书而被不能在北方执教阿兹里拉曼及其妻子穆蒂亚拉莫罕默德。李发成表示" 行为操守协议书是独裁政治的产物,无论高教部用再好的理由来掩饰,也不能否认它违反人权及自由的本质,并已导致国家学术人才外流,教育水准滑落的事实。"
人类数千年的历史都是由知识推进的,但同时人类的文明推进却是通过挑战现况( status quo)来建立更美好的社会。因此,学运认为国家持续繁荣进步的先决条件是保障大专及学术人员的自主权,废除 行为操守协议书比草拟十个教育大蓝图更实际!
012-253 6565
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Syekh Omar b. Ali
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
012-253 6565
Friday, July 27, 2007
Orang Asli battle to hold ancestral lands
Just before Semah Ah Yin's great-grandfather Atok Mawai died, he asked that his body to be left by a nearby waterfall so it could to be carried away by a flood to his next life.
The waterfall and river in northern Perak state, where he performed ritualistic ceremonies, became a sacred site for the indigenous Semai people living in nearby Kampung Chang village.
It marks the boundary of lushly-forested ancestral land held by the Semai for generations - and which the state government is now eyeing for development.The battle for the Semai's cherished forests is just one of many cases being fought by peninsular Malaysia's indigenous Orang Asli to retain control over their traditional lands.
With 18 ethnic sub-groups, the Orang Asli number only 150,000 or 0.6 percent of Malaysia's population of almost 27 million people.
They are among the country's poorest citizens, most making their living from agriculture and fishing.
As development pressures in Malaysia increase, Orang Asli are being squeezed in land grabs by state governments.
Unwanted botanical garden
Earlier this year, Kampung Chang villagers fought off a bid by Perak to use part of their land for a 200-hectare botanical park, a project they say would only line the pockets of contractors and the government.
"Other people will benefit from this park, but not the village people," said Kampung Chang elder Nunek Kamin, 71.
Without warning, bulldozers appeared in February to tear down trees and make way for a carpark. They cleared a road of red earth before public exposure of the project and lobbying by the Semai led to a temporary stand-down.
Crouching by the rushing waters of the waterfall, Semah, 51, said the area is still considered sacred because her great-grandfather, a shaman of some renown in the area, used to perform ceremonies there.
Rizuan Tempek, 28, a local community activist, said the Orang Asli fear that even if the botanical garden development is defeated, something else will come.
"We're really worried about that," Rizuan said.
Orang Asli can use ancestral land as well as the timber and other resources on it. However, state governments say they have legal ownership and insist they need not pay compensation for claiming it.
"Orang Asli lands are the cheapest. And of course they are the last frontier, the last nice areas around," said Colin Nicholas, coordinator for the Centre for Orang Asli Concerns, which champions their interests.
Historic ruling
Indigenous people have been resettled to make way for highways, buildings, golf courses and plantations. State governments give them smaller farming lands and houses in return.The president of the Malaysian Bar Council, Ambiga Sreenevasan, said: "People are just walking in and doing what they like" because the Orang Asli do not have land titles.
But a growing number of villages are now resorting to legal action in a bid to stop encroachment on native customary land.
Thirteen cases are currently being heard by courts in peninsular Malaysia or are being prepared, said Nicholas, who is helping with them.
In eastern Malaysia on Borneo island, the states of Sarawak and Sabah recognise native customary rights but are flouting them, he said, adding that dozens of land rights cases are being fought there.
"It's the last resort, because they have protested, they have spoken to the authorities, negotiated, dialogued," he said.
In an historic ruling in 2002, a court found that members of the Temuan tribe were unlawfully evicted from their ancestral land in central Selangor state to make way for a highway to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
The court ordered compensation payments but the government and other parties have appealed to the Federal Court, the nation's highest.
With its ruling expected later this year, the Federal Court will determine native land rights once and for all, mirroring similar decisions in Australia and Canada, said Cyrus Das, a lawyer who represents the Temuan.
"This is a test case on whether the interests of the Orang Asli over customary land is merely a right of usage of the land or if it also includes a proprietary interest in the land," said Das.
Sustainable development
Land disputes are battles for resources but also an attempt by Orang Asli to retain their identities, which are intimately tied to their land, as Malaysia tries to integrate them into broader society and argues they must move with the times."We want the Orang Asli to be part of Malaysia. We don't want them to be a minority group," said an official from the Department of Orang Asli Affairs.
But Orang Asli and activists argue the fates of indigenous communities are being dictated by the government, while encroachment and resettlement are threatening their culture.
Orang Asli say they are not against progress but they want to be consulted, and they want sustainable development.
Rizuan, of Kampung Chang, said Orang Asli want to directly benefit from development and business projects on their land, whose profits are usually absorbed by middlemen.
Communities also want to be trained to control their own projects such as palm oil plantations, he said.
"It's not that we are stupid and can't learn," he said. "We are not fighting development. We are just fighting and struggling so that the government knows what kind of development we want."
Academics on mission to conquer fear
The nation’s campuses are still in the grip of fear. However, a group of academics are seeking to conquer it with their bold campaign against the Universiti Akujanji - a document pledging loyalty to the government which all students and academics are required to sign.Led by Dr Syed Husin Ali (left) and Dr Lim Teck Ghee (right) - two former professors at Universiti Malaya, the country’s leading higher educational institution - the group has enlisted 38 of their colleagues to endorse a petition against the Akujanji.
The petition, which described the loyalty pledge as a “major deterrent to the healthy development of the universities” and demanded its immediate revocation, has been submitted to the government.
“The Akujanji has not only inculcated a culture of fear, passivity and uncritical thinking in the campuses. It has also eroded the fundamental right of freedom of association and expression that is so important to protect and enhance if our nation is to advance,” said a statement signed by the two former top academics.
It added that the Akujanji is antithetical to the development of the country’s universities and to the quality of teaching and scholarship.
Names not to be published
The list of endorsees appeared to prove their case. Of the 40 academics who gave their backing to the petition, 29 are no longer teaching at their respective educational institutions. [See full list below]
“The endorsers include many current serving academic staff from the nation's public universities, including some presently undertaking sabbatical and higher studies programs abroad. They have written to express support of the petition but have requested that their names not be published,” said the statement.
The petitioners said that many present university staff members were unable to include their names on the list “for fear of victimisation by the authorities”.
Among the big names who endorsed the petition is former deputy vice-chancellor at Universiti Malaya, Drs Abu Bakar A Hamid.Those endorsees who are still at working at the nation’s universities are professors Dr Norchaya Talib, Dr Loh Wei Leng, associate professors Dr Azmi Sharom, Dr Terence Gomez (photo) and Dr Rosli Omar (all Universiti Malaya), professors Dr Wan Abdul Manan Wan Muda, Dr Francis Loh Kok Wah and associate professor Dr Khoo Boo Teik (Universiti Sains Malaysia), lecturers Dr Mohamed Aslam Haneef and Nur Barizah Abu Bakar (International Islamic University Malaysia) and associate research fellow Wong Chin Huat (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia).
According to the petition organisers, one of the endorsers has lamented that the "shackling the minds of academics only makes eunuchs of our children's teachers”.
“We hope that the government can rise above narrow and self-serving political interests and do the right thing in revoking the Akujanji requirement.
“Failure to do so will only further undermine the ability and willingness of our academic community to engage in critical and independent thinking and scholarship that can make the difference to the building of an intellectually robust and progressive country,” added the joint press statement which was released today.
Reinstate sacked lecturers
The petition said that the requirement of loyalty to the government, which is found only in a few repressive university systems in the world, has stifled academic freedom in Malaysia “to an unprecedented extent”.
It called for on the government to reinstate Dr Azly Rahman, Dr Mutiara Mohamad - both of whom were lecturers at the Universiti Utara Malaysia - and other academicians who have been dismissed as a result of their opposition to the Akujanji.Azly (photo), who is currently teaching in the United States along with his wife, Mutiara, writes a weekly column for independent news website malaysiakini.
“Similarly, others who have suffered in their career development due to the Akujanji should have their cases reviewed and should be provided with justice and redress. These are our academic prisoners of conscience who have been unjustly victimised and whose continued exclusion is a black mark against academia and our democratic system and values.”
In addition to the academics, 46 non-governmental organisations have also endorsed the petition.
Since 2002, all civil servants and local university students and staff are required to sign the Akujanji.
Sample of the Akujanji document
连署的40名学者以离休者居多,共有28人,除了林德义及赛胡先阿里之外,还有现任槟州行政议员杜乾焕(国大副教授)、全妇女组织副主席吴春心(博大副教授)、谢文庆(理大教授)、佐翰沙拉瓦纳姆都(Johan Sarawanamuttu,理大教授)、现任民主行动党国际与非政府事务秘书拉玛沙米(P. Ramasamy)、阿布巴加哈密(Abu Bakar A. Hamid,马大教授、副校长)及法立斯诺(Farish Noor)等。
连署的现职国立大学学者则有理大教授罗国华、副教授邱武德、马大副教授哥梅兹(Terence Gomez)、副教授阿兹米沙伦(Azmi Sharom)、国大教授旺阿都玛南(Wan Abdul Manan Wan Muda)、副研究员黄进发、国际回教大学讲师莫哈末阿斯兰(Mohamed Aslam Haneef)、诺巴里扎(Nur Barizah Abu Bakar)等。
马来西亚政府自2002年开始在大学执行《行为操守协议书》,教职员及大学都得签署这本文件,宣誓效忠政府。马来西亚北方大学阿兹里拉曼(Dr Azly Rahman)及慕蒂雅拉莫哈末(Dr Mutiara Mohamad)因不愿签署《行为操守协议书》而遭大学解雇。
职是之故,我们促请政府恢复阿兹里拉曼(Dr Azly Rahman)、慕蒂雅拉莫哈末(Dr Mutiara Mohamad) 及其他因反对《行为操守协议书》而遭解职的学术人员的职务。同理,其他人的事业发展因《行为操守协议书》而遭受挫的人,他们的个案也应该重新检讨,还以公 道及补偿。他们遭受不公正的迫害,是我们学术界的良心囚犯;他们继续遭受排挤,则是学术界及民主制度与价值的污点。(编案:阿兹里拉曼及慕蒂雅拉莫哈末曾 任北方大学教授,因不愿签署《行为操守协议书》而遭大学解雇。)
在第12届全国大选的跫音日益逼近之际,公民社会自发性倡议两项推动民主进程的项目-—“公民智囊团”(Citizen ThinkTank)及“人民国会”(People's Parliament),以经由知识共享与赋权过程提升公民的思想素质,让政治人物知道,人民是国家的核心,人民才是老板。
公民智囊团发 起人洪美发(Sean Ang)和朱巴林(Dzul Bahrin Asmawi)及人民国会发起人哈里斯依布拉欣(Haris Ibrahim),有感选民投选候选人时,一般上对候选人背景和政绩不甚了解,以致无法作明智决定;再加上竞选期很短,套哈里斯的话,情侣从相识到结婚也 需要花很长的时间,人民却得在十天内选出属意的代议士,时间显然不足。
公民智囊团是资讯网站,而人民国会底下的“认识你的国会议员”(Get to Know Your MPs)则实地监督,且不分政党地直接与当地的政治人物对话。
公民智囊团网站已在今年7月7日开始操作,且于上周六(21日)正式推介。“知识赋权的公民”(Knowledge-empowered Citizens)是公民智囊团的口号。
公民智囊团信托人之一约翰(K.J.John,右图)曾在推介礼上表示,知识型社会(knowledge-based society)完全以资讯和知识力量为推动力,知识成为衡量发展和成长的指标;不过,我国的社会文化设施却还没有建立起来。
公民智囊团发起人之一Sean Ang发表了公民智囊团网站的概念,这个网站主要是汇集人民对政治人物的看法,为这些政治人物打分,建立网站评分的公信力。同时,希望藉着评分敦促政治人物,改善政府施政。
洪 美发(右图)表示:“我们的评分人员主要分成三组:用户(user)、协调员(moderator)和研究员(researcher)。用户是一般普罗大 众,他们可以打分和提出一些政治人物的课题;协调员则是公民智囊团认识的人,由他们协调网络上的讨论和评分;最后一组是研究员,他们会约见这些政治人物, 把人民的心声传达给对方,他们也会评分。”
网站内容基本上分成“政治人物监视者”(Politician Watchdog)及“公民之声”(Citizen Voice)两个栏目。
选 民将评估议员的回应和表现,再向媒体公布评估结果;若议员的回应怠慢或无意愿协助选民解决问题,选民将在大选时呼吁该区选民别投选同一议员。选民也会以相 同标准评估在野党候选人,若到最后选民发现朝野政党候选人皆素质低落,选民会从公民社会推举替代人选,不让政党候选人专美。
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Konvensyen Rakyat Anjuran BERSIH
Konvensyen Rakyat Anjuran BERSIH
“Kembalikan Hak Rakyat!”
20 Julai 2007
8:30 - 11:00pm
Dewan Perhimpunan Cina Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor
50150 Kuala Lmpur.
(Kg. Attap, sebelah Wisma Pahlawan)
Syed Shahir Syed Mohamud (MTUC)
Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Sdr Lim Guan Eng
Dato Seri Hadi Awang
Dr Nasir Hasim
Yap Swee Seng (SUARAM)
Lim Huat Seng (DEMA)
V. Gayathry (CIJ)
Charles Santiago
Maria Chin Abdullah
- Kesampaian Tetamu
-Ucapan Pembukaan oleh En. Syed Shahir, Presiden MTUC
- Ucapan dari wakil-wakil NGO
- Persembahan Musik & multimedia
- Ucapan dari pemimpin parti politik
